what is time travel ? is time travel is possible.? know about it . letest post 2021 BY NASA

What is time travel and Is possible time travel in future 2021 | Science hub.

Hello friends, welcome to in science hub. 

Friends if you want to know about the time travel then you are at good place. 

Because today's we are going to discuss about the time travel . Also is possible time travel. 

What is time travel And how is it possible ?

Time travel which means that travelling in future . We have more theory for time travel . Means many scientists told about     time   travel.     like that.   Stephen   Hawking ,    Einsteins   and  more .

For time travel we must have a lot of energy  . As much as it is needed . But right now we don't have a lot of energy .Actually so much energy don't have in the space and  World . For  travelling in the future Einstein's has conceived a train which moves at the speed of light around the earth. Which value
                C=3*10^8 mtr./sec.

So much energy don't have in the world . If we put all the power even it is not possible right now. 

what is time travel ? is time travel is possible.? know about it . letest post 2021 BY NASA
(This is image taken from the Google and in this image shown A Rocket which movie with the light speed. And a man who is stand on the earth . Both are observing time. But their time is not equal . It is the time dilation.)

If one person is travelling in the train . For a week and one person is observing that person . After one week he got the he has reached many years ahead in the future. It is time travel. 

Now we understand , dimition that is
Lenth , weight , height, .  There is one more dimition . That is Time . Actually some scientists think that about time . It is fourth dimition . 

If one car is running in liner way so it is length dimition and when it turned right or left so it is weight dimition . And when the car climbs the mountain or small peak it is third dimition. But we every day goes in future at the rate of one hour per hour. Means rate of goin into the future is one hour per hour. 

According to the Einstein's 

what is time travel ? is time travel is possible.? know about it . letest post 2021 BY NASA
(This is the Equation of time travel . This is given by the einstein's and this image taken from the YouTube.) 

It is the equation of einstein of time travel.

Stephen Hawkings think that we can go in future by black because of in the black hole there is too much Gravity . 

Actually it's attraction power ,more. then why he thought like that. 

(In this image shown the one who is going in the black hole. And this image taken from the Google) 

Also read : 

Conclusion :-

Friends in this post we have known about the time travel. And is possible time travel . I hope this post will prove helpful for you. 

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  • KD Classes
    KD Classes October 30, 2021 at 11:11 AM


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