what is light ? and nature of light. how many types behaves light . and also De brogely theory or equation . letest post 2021-22
Did you thought about light and nature of light and the sun. If no then you must read this post.
Suppose guys , the sun light is which form and how is it coming on the earth . It is waves or particles forms. Or both forms .
Actually do you know about sun. which reaction is happening in the sun Guys , can you give me answer this question ,
If the air is not available in the space then how is the fire creates in the sun and space ?
Come on I will give you answer of this question, actually the sun is in the gas form . Hydrogen gas is available in the space above 95% . Because the hydrogen gas is Light according to the atomic mass . It's atomic mass of one Atom is the 2. And Number is the 1 .
It's atomic mass is tooo low. Sun is the form of gas. This is hydrogen gas. When it gas compressed at a point because of it's temprature and density. Then it converts into the helium gas.
And helium gas also converts into the carbon. During this reaction , A large quantity of energy is produced. From the sun . And this energy not fire.
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(This is a Sun image and taken from Google in this image shown the lava of the sun . From this lava creates many harmful radiation and photon. Photon is the package of energy. Energy reduces from the sun in the form of QUANTA that is photons. ) |
Do you know about the light of sun which feels by everyone , like men , women animals, and all over the in World and universe. Today we will know the light, like,
What is made light of ? And the behaves of light , is it wave or molecular . And more information about the light . Who scientist proved it ,we will know history of light in short ?
Defination of light :
Light is the type of energy we can say it is energy which transmits in the form of electro magnetic waves . We gets its knowledge b through. eyes . It's wavelength between value of 3900Å -7800Å .
History of light:
In the starting , some scientists think that the light behaves like the smallest particles . As the photons.
In favour of this theory some scientists are like , first of all, 'Dakarte ' scientist gives the theory of light based in particular behaves in 1637 after that Snell described the this theory .
( Ex. - if we are stand in the sun of light or sunny , for basking our body in winter season at that time our black shadow is back of us because of particals.because light behaves like that. Newtons also thought that the light behaves like Particles .
He experimented on light nature many times . And based on that's results he said light behaves like Particles.
In favour of Waves , the scientist is Huygens . He said the light behaves like wave . Actually the sun light transmits in the vaccum . And always it's speed is same ( c= 3*10^8 m/s^2).
he also thought that the when we are in the room in day at that time light comes into the our rooms because of it's waves behaviour . It's the nature of waves.
According to the De brogely :
The scientist de brogely said that , the light behaves like both particles and waves. Actually light has dual nature .
We can understand with one example - when a particle moves with the high speed then it creates a wave behind itself. But in our behaviour we can never see this wave, only we can feel or imagine in our mind.
Derivation of de brogely equation:
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In this image shown in sun's radiation and photon which is comming from the sun. And which is hitting with the iron stick. |
According to the particle theory , if light behaves like Particles then it's energy according to the Einsteins equation,
E= mc^2. _____(1)
If light behaves like waves then it's energy equation according to the plank scientist
E= hv ______(2)
From the first & second equation,
Mc^2 = hv ( v = nu sign )
1/mc = c/hv
We know that the
λ= c/v
1/mc= λ/h
We know that
And also
Mv =p. (Momentum)
1/p= λ/h
λ= h/p
It is de- brogely equation. We can write this equation like that
λ ∝ 1/p
Means wavelength is the proportional with respect to the momentum (p).
Whare ,
λ= wavelength
P= momentum
M= mass of photon
h = plank constant
E= energy of wave and particle
C = speed of light
V(nue)= frequency of wave.
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Conclusion :
Friends in this post we have known about the the sun and it's nature.you can say that is the dual nature of light. I hope this post will prove helpful for you.
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