What is antimatter and much more about antimatter? Science hub 2021.
What is antimatter and much more information about the antimatter we are taking in today's post.
Hello friends , Welcome to in Science hub
today's we are going to discourse about the antimatter . Like what is antimatter . Particles of antimatter . Antimatter is true in world.
Friends antimatter just opposite of matter. Means it is inverse of normal matter .
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For understanding the antimatter we have to go to in past .means we will have to go befor big-bang theory . Before the big - bang theory , this universe was the more hot and has too gravitional force.
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(This is image a comparison of matter and Antimatter. And shown the particle of matter and Antimatter.) |
In the universe , all things are in the form of Atoms . Like the first atom was the hydrogen in the universe. Other are helium, Sodium. All the atoms made by the hydrogen .
When in the universe was growing due to highly temprature and pressure then that atoms converted into the helium and Sodium . And After that it was processed and more atom are made .
In the present time 118 elements are , in this universe. means Scienctist has discovered 118 elements. These elements generated by the atom .
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In this 118 elements 94 elements are natural. And other made in the laboratory. All the elements shown in the periodic table.
The coast of Antimatter in the Quantity one gram can be 62.5 trillion dollars. According to the space agency of America that is NASA.
Only for comparison if we add GDP all the worlds then it is almost 83 % . Means for generating the one gram of antimatter the all the country will be sold of the world's.
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As we have already told you that the antimatter is the just opposite of the normal matter . As the normal matter made by the the atoms and particles . Like that ways the antimatter made by the atoms and also particles . But the both are the just opposite of the matter's atoms and particles.
In the middle of normal matter , neutron and protons are present and the electrons are the orbiting arround the Nuclear.
Same as it happens in Antimatter. But in the antimatter , all the particles are oposite of the normal matter's particles.
In the case of antimatter , the electric charge is reserved . But in the normal matter it is not happen. In the antimatter we called the this particles of antimatter
Anti-electron ( it is positron , which have the positive charge . It is opposite of the electron because the electron has the negative charge). Both of them mass is equal. It is shown by the sign beta (β+
) .
Second one particles is the Anti- proton .
It behaves like the proton but the charge on the Anti- proton is the negative.
And the same as the in the antimatter , anti - neutron parti is also available in the anti -matter . But it has the neutral . Means it has not positive and negative charge.
Friends we have already talked about that means the antimatter is the opposite of the normal matter. But in the present universe it is not possible that containing of the Antimatter . Not only containing , the production of the Antimatter are also
Difficult. Means that , in many years it produces. It is possible in the laboratory of Switzerland research centre which is CERN ( The European organization for research nuclear.
Friends , did you think that how discovered antimatter. And who has discovered antimatter .
Now we are taking about it.
The Albert Einstein was doing work on the theory of relativity at that time the many Scienctist try to understand the antimatter . One of them Scienctist that is paul dirac was think that , we can write 4 on two ways , like (-2)^2 and (2)^2 . Then the Paul dirac think if the both of them if the 2 is the matter the -2 is the antimatter. Means Anti -matter is the just opposite of normal matter.
You can see in this picture. Both of condition.
Friends did you think about the matter like if is it present on the universe. If yes then where is it . We are taking about it.
Antimatter is the opposite of normal matter. When both things bumb each other then, in the high quantity energy released . And both things are destroyed.
During colliding the antimatter was totally destroyed . But Scienctist Do not sure about that fact. And they are trying to making Antimatter in the machine. And they are succeed. But the containing of antimatter not possible more than 17 minutes. Means we can't secure antimatter more than 17 minutes. While it takes many years to making it.
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In last Words :
In this post we have talked about the antimatter . I hope this post will helpful for you . And you better make understand from this post about the antimatter. And make sure like that post you will subscribe to our website for more information related to the Scienctist.
Also read:
In this post we learnt that one thing that is just opposite of the normal matter. And how made this in the lab . And why this Antimatter is too expensive .
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