What is Space time and Simple explanation in English 2021 | Science hub
What is Space time and how are related space and time with each other| Science hub
Hello friends, welcome to you in Science hub.
If you are searching for definition of space time and how it works then this post must be helpful for you.
And make Sure that here you find good and at simple way information. And also more about this topic like who Scienctist discovered spacetime. And what is Space and time theory.
In this image shown the relationship between two space object. It is like space time. Now we talk about that how was discovered space time. Means history of space time in short.
What is history of Space time in short?
In 1908 Albert Einstein proposed special theory of relativity . At that time some people link with Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity.
But however Alber Einsteins teacher suggested him about the space time.we can identify by the space and time curvature gravity. This is theory given by the Albert Einstein.
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(In this image shown the space and time curvature. This image taken from the Google.) |
This is picture is the space and time curvature. We can imagine from this image that if the time is increasing , and one object is stat at a place then that objects are not moving . Means that object's speed is constant. Then in this diagrams we can draw the stat line in space. And if this line is not stat then we can say that their object has some speed. It may be possible that , that's object speed nothing . Then that diagram is as like shown in this image.
Must read:-
•educational life of Einsteins
What is space time by Eintiens ?
Space time is the relationship between space and time. Sir Albert Einsteins says that space and is related to each other. Before Albert Einstein everyone thinks that the time is equal at anywhere. It means that if it is 2°0 clock then the everywhere in space is time Same .
Means on other planets also is timing 2 °0 clock. If any planets has many gravitional force and has much more mass. There time will be more slow .
According to the Einstein's , Time is the fourth dimition of the space. Another three dimission are lenth , width and the height. That are the three dimission of universe . But he says that time is fourth dimition. And time is related to the space . Infact everything in the universe lives in the fourth dimition. He also said that sometimes , situation are creates when defferent objects proceive different experience of all these dimensions.
How are related space and time with each other ?
For making understand the relation between the space and time then we will have to make understand defferent both things.
What is Space ?
In short if I talk about the space then space is the made by including three things that are length, height and width. It means that in space , if we want to show position of an object then we will have to take help that's three dimission . In mathematics we shows it by the ordinates that are X - Axis, Y -axis and the Z-axis. Means if we know about that thing then we can identify the position of an object an the space. In short we called it 3D dimission .it calls 3D because space is made by the three three things or three dimission.
What is time ?
Friends if we talk about the time then I don't think that I need to explanation of the time . Because we all know that about the time. But we will discuss about the time . Time is the indefinite continued progress and events that occurs in an apparently irreversible successions from the past through the present into future.
If we talk in mathematics, then according to this formula,
Time= distance/Speed
In this formula , we can identify the time that the ratio of distance and the speed , is equal Time.
Who invented space and time essay guide ?
We have already known about the space and time . Because from initially and mythological period it known . But it's described in correct way , tried many Indian Scientists . In that Scienctist are some Scienctist of them acharya Aryabhatta , varahmihir , and bhaskaracharya also. After that some foreigners Scienctist also tried to making understand it. Like that capller etc.
Why time is the fourth dimition ?
Time is the fourth dimition because the we can't understand the position of an object in the space. It is not enough to understand the position of the object.
This is happens because in the time is not same everywhere . It has proved By the some experiments of the NASA.
Is time machine invented ?
If talk about the time machine then that is not invented right now. But it may be possible that in future this machine will be invent . Basically there is more theory has for the time travel. Some of them are if one train travels with the speed of lights. And according to the Stephen Hawking , if fall in the black hole , then in that possible time travel.
How do men overcome various problems be faced time to time in space observation by simple eyes ?
Actually Space is infinite. In Space has Many objects , like that planets, Star,sun and galaxies also. They all are far away from the earth. Due to their far away distance , we can't overcome various problems be faced in space by Simple eyes. But we can overcome by the some electronic instruments like that telescope.
Friends in this we have discussed about the space and time. And about the time machine, history also in short known. Much more about the Space time. I hope this article will helpful for you.
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